Welcome to Badu Island Foundation
Badu Island Foundation Ltd (BIF) was established in February 2008. BIF is a community run and owned non government organisation which conducts a number of business activities on Badu Island.
BIF is uniquely the first such organisation establish in the outer islands of the Torres Strait to undertake such a diverse role of enterprise management over a number of industry sectors. BIFs primary objective is to further economic development for members and the Badu community generally. Ongoing businesses and future development will provide job security to its workforce and foster economic opportunities for others.
BIFs commitment to sound corporate governance with well established principles has enabled the company to conduct its affairs in a professional and business like manner. BIF can proudly boast its financial reporting complies with relevant standards with unqualified audited statements.
Although expertise is required across a number of businesses, BIF will work in partnership with specialised companies to achieve this. Corporate relationships have been established with freight handling, quarry production, legal, audit, information technology and postal services.
BIF and Badu Island face many challenges due to its isolated location. Strategic planning is essential to developing new opportunities with management and directors constantly striving to deliver competitive pricing and services for the Badu community and its external customers.